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Missionary work is at the very heart of Reach WorldWide’s ministry. We are absolutely committed to preaching the Gospel through evangelism, church planting, and leadership training.
The focus at Reach Worldwide is primarily on taking the Gospel to those people who have never heard the Gospel. There are thousands of agencies that focus on hospitals, helping children, and feeding the hungry. That is their focus, many of them doing a tremendous job. Our focus is to help these people spiritually!
It may come as a surprise to you to learn that more than 80% of world evangelization is being done by native missionaries. Although we confidently affirm the important role that Western mission organizations have played and continue to play in many regions of the world, we also know that Western missions alone is not enough. As more and more countries close their doors to Western mission organizations, Reach Worldwide finds that the best way to reach these nations with the Gospel message is through native or indigenous missionaries!
We support national missionaries and equip them with the necessary tools, helping them establish churches.
Native missionaries are often more effective than their foreign counterparts for several reasons.
Native missionaries have:
- No language hurdles
- No culture obstacles
- No travel or lifestyle barriers to navigate
- Nor do they need to leave the mission field for long periods of rest or fundraising
- No visa’s required neither deportations
- They are able to go where Western Missionaries cannot go
Support of native missionaries is cost-effective. A native missionary can be fully supported for as little as $600 to $6,000 per year depending upon the country.
100% of your contribution goes to the Native Missionary.
We believe that a partnership between those to whom God has entrusted resources (financial, training, materials) and those to whom God has granted opportunities (indigenous Apostolic Christian workers worldwide) is the most effective and efficient way to reach the world’s unreached people and serve a world in need.
David said to his followers, “The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All will share alike.” – 1 Sam.30:24 (NIV).
When hundreds of Native Missionaries reap the harvest by bringing thousands of lives to Christ, You can share the same reward right where You are!
Reach Worldwide links those with opportunity without resources and those with resources without opportunity.
Be a part of it! |