
Welcome to Reach Worldwide! It is a privilege to have you visit us. Hopefully, after perusing the site, you will find it useful as the home which assists you in missions efforts. Our view of RWI is that we are literally partners together with you. You know what vision God has placed in your heart to grow His kingdom. We simply want to help facilitate your vision. If your vision is to facilitate the already-established works of RWI, we welcome you to do so. Also, if God has given you open doors and you are looking for help in going through them, we encourage you to communicate with us. We believe God has his own plan for world evangelization and that you are a part of it.
I hope we hear from you soon. So, again, welcome! We look forward to working together with YOU!
The purpose of Reach Worldwide is:
- To provide a place, and methods for Missions giving
- To provide a place for active individual involvement in Missions
- To develop creative new, and where possible, simple, solutions to Missions challenges
- To provide information about Missions around the world
- To offer a theological foundation for worldwide missions activity.
Nathaniel J. Wilson,
Reach Worldwide, Inc. |